CFPB Consumer Complaints
Top-10 Complaints by Company Consumer Complaint History Consumer Complaint by Product by Company
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 Consumer Complaint Response HistoryCompany Responses Shared Publicly 
"The Company" Wins Virtually All CFPB Complaints!
CFPB Consumer Complaint: "Closed Responses" - All Companies
Summary of All Closed Responses
ClosedClosed w/ExplanationClosed w/Monetary Relief
Closed w/Non-Monetary ReliefClosed w/ReliefClosed w-o/ReliefUntimely Response
 Disputes of Company ResponsesCriminal Complaints by ConsumersComplaints Referred to Other Agencies
CFPB Consumer Mortgage Complaints
Top-10 Mortgage ComplaintsAll Mortgage ComplaintsMortgage Complaint Responses Sent  to Consumers
Public Mortgage Complaint Responses Company Mortgage Responses Shared Publicly
Analysis of Company Responses to Mortgage Issues
Company-Centric Design of CFPB Complaint Process
Top-20 CFPB Complaint DeficienciesCredit Discrimination GuidelinesFinal Policy-Disclosure of Consumer Complaint Data
Company Portal
Site Information Pages

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The Top-20 Companies

While the Company Portal gave the CFPB Complaint Proces a Twenty-First Century information-exchange architectural approach to sending and receiving CFPB Complaint date to and from "The Company"; it also allowed the "The Company" to access much more consumer complaint data than was required to review and arbitrate consumer complaints. In fact, this backdoor channel blurred the relationship between CFPB and "The Company" to the extent, where the relationship between the two, was no longer adversarial, but more like quasi-partners; and in this bipartisan relationship, the consumer was the adversary of both partners. The following three chart shows how the Top-20 companies were able to leverage their relationship with CFPB, and "win" more than eighty-seven percent of all arbitrations:
All Companies
Company Closed Response 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent Winning  %
Closed 3041 3544 4261 3735 14581 2.4% 80.4%
Closed with explanation 82028 118178 130902 151263 482371 78.0%
Closed with monetary relief 8920 9342 10470 11963 40695 6.6% 19.6%
Closed with non-monetary relief 14160 21523 21871 23067 80621 13.0%
Total 108149 152587 167504 190028 618268 100.0%  
Annual Percentage of Total 17.5% 24.7% 27.1% 30.7% 100.0%    
Source: December 2013-April 2017 CFPB Complaint Database.
Top-20 Companies
Company Closed Response 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent Winning  %
Closed 858 571 838 450 2717 2.3% 87.1%
Closed with explanation 27544 26404 23595 22433 99976 84.8%
Closed with monetary relief 1723 1670 2159 2626 8178 6.9% 12.9%
Closed with non-monetary relief 3074 1201 1517 1203 6995 5.9%
Total 33199 29846 28109 26712 117866 100.0%  
Annual Percentage of Total 28.2% 25.3% 23.8% 22.7% 100.0%    
Source: December 2013-April 2017 CFPB Complaint Database.
Other 2,148 Companies
Company Closed Response 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent Winning  %
Closed 2183 2973 3423 3285 11864 2.4% 78.8%
Closed with explanation 54484 91774 107307 128830 382395 76.4%
Closed with monetary relief 7197 7672 8311 9337 32517 6.5% 21.2%
Closed with non-monetary relief 11086 20322 20354 21864 73626 14.7%
Total 74950 122741 139395 163316 500402 100.0%  
Annual Percentage of Total 15.0% 24.5% 27.9% 32.6% 100.0%