CFPB Consumer Complaints
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CFPB Consumer Mortgage Complaints
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Company Mortgage Responses Shared Publicly 
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Public Responses  to 223,135 Mortgage Complaints (No Public Response to 94.49% of Consumer Complaints.)
Row Labels 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company 1 123 120 24 268 0.12%
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error 1 324 797 95 1217 0.55%
Company believes complaint relates to a discontinued policy or procedure 8 3 1 12 0.01%
Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers 138 259 56 453 0.20%
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law 20 3359 5080 781 9240 4.14%
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding 1 1 197 463 83 745 0.33%
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint 45 18 4 67 0.03%
Company chooses not to provide a public response 1 28 10060 1668 11757 5.27%
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint 146 121 24 291 0.13%
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response 8 10 14057 2495 16570 7.43%
(blank) 1280 38124 49406 42907 27964 18892 3942 182515 81.80%
Grand Total 1280 38124 49408 42966 42374 41478 7505 223135 100.00%
Source: CFPB Consumer Complaint Database at:
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